

10591 Uppsatser om Thematic work - Sida 1 av 707

Integration av ämnesinnehållen i ett temainriktat arbetssätt : Lärares åsikter gällande integration av matematik och naturorienterande ämnesinnehåll i förskolans temainriktade arbetssätt

Recently I discovered that preschool education has evolved from integration of various subject contents and working methods. The purpose of my study is to investigate preschool teachers' attitudes and ways of working with a theme-oriented approach. I also want to examine their opinions regarding the integration of subject content in terms of mathematics and science subjects (NO) in preschools theme-oriented work approach.My questions for this study are:What is a preschool teacher's attitude and their ways of working to a thematic-oriented approach?What is a preschool teacher's opinions regarding the integration of subject content, especially in mathematics and science subjects (NO) in their pre-schools theme-oriented work approach?I have used myself a qualitative method of investigation to produce materials for my research project. I collected my empirical material for my study from the semi-structured interviews that was done with four preschool teachers in two preschools in Botkyrka municipality.

Flås, svett och inkongruens - En studie om effekterna av träning och tematisk inkongruens på annonser

Previous research about contextual effects on advertising has mainly focused on the editorial context, while advertisements' broader context has been overlooked. This paper aims to take a broader perspective on advertisement context. Its purpose is to get an understanding on how physical exercise influence the effectiveness of print advertisements, and furthermore to look at the effects of thematic incongruence between ad and the physical environment. We hypothesize that physical exercise increase ad effectiveness through affective priming and that thematic incongruence is beneficial for ads' effectiveness, especially after training when awareness about the environment is higher. A 2×2 experiment was conducted in a gym, where each respondent was exposed to either an incongruent or less incongruent ad, before or after physical exercise.

Grön Flagg : En kvalitativ studie kring barns delaktighet i de tre dimensionerna i hållbar utveckling

It is important to work with economic, social and ecological dimensions in order to reach sustainable development. Furthermore, these dimensions are supposed to work opon together. Green Flag´s aim is to process these dimensions in the Thematic work in preschool, where children are involved. The aim of this study is to find out how certificated Green flag preschools work with the three dimensions in the education of sustainable development practically and how the children participate in this work. I have used a qualitative semi-structured interview to find out preschool teachers´ thoughts and opinions about how they work with sustainable development and how they make the children involved.

Är verkligheten indelad i ämnen? - en undersökning av elevers upplevelser av ämnesövergripande arbetssätt i tematisk form

Our purpose with this essay was to explore students? experiences of interdisciplinary working method in thematic form. With a starting point from Lpf-94, the curriculum for the upper secondary school and several theories of learning, we wanted to explore if interdisciplinary working method in practice could create an environment for a meaningful learning situation. The study took place in an upper secondary school class, study preparatory, third grade, who works interdisciplinary in thematic form. Our study was qualitative and we used an open structural questionnaire where the students confidentially were able to describe the working method, explain which subjects that participate in the work, and bring forward good respectively bad factors about the method.

Fiction and revolutions Thematic work ? an including and engaging pedagogy situation

Syftet med det här utvecklingsarbetet är att ge ett förslag på hur man som lärare kan engagera och motivera fler elever till att sträva efter att nå målen i ämnena svenska och historia på högstadiet. Utifrån tidigare forskning, olika teoretiker, läroplanen för grundskola 2011 och de nya kursplanerna för svenska och historia utformas ett utvecklingsarbete som utgår från ett tematiskt arbetssätt där skönlitteratur har en central roll i temat och där läromedel ersätts med olika varierade moment som film, museum besök, gästföreläsare etc. Temat kallas revolutionernas tidevarv och behandlar 1700-1800 talet med fokus på Franska revolutionen, ideologier och de samhällströmningar som följer av detta. Eleverna jobbar både i grupp och med tre stycken individuella uppgifter. Temaarbetet sträcker sig över sex veckor och totalt 30 timmar.

Att erbjuda största möjliga lycka: en kvalitativ studie av ett parledarskap på en somatisk vårdavdelning

The aim of this study was to investigate leadership in public health care. The methods used were shadowing and semi-structured interviews. The shadowing involved observing the shared leadership of two head nurses in an administrative management position of a ward in their daily work during two weeks. The observation was supplemented by ten semi-structured interviews. A thematic analysis of the data was carried out and the result indicated that shared leadership is a form of leadership well suited for an organisation as big and complex as the clinic where the study took place.

Religion och vetenskap : En studie om tematiken religion och vetenskap samt dess gränsländer i gymnasieläromedel

The following essay aims to determine what textbooks and teaching media educators in the county of Västerbotten use when teaching the relation between religion and science. Based on educational science theory and through analyzes of factual texts, the teaching materials was examined to determine how much focus they put on the thematic of religion and science. The result shows how the different teaching materials affect this thematic differently. The main conclusion is therefore that students in Sweden could, depending on the teaching materials used in their education, be taught by different standards to reach the same requirements..

En svensk folkkyrka utomlands : Fyra fallstudier av hur folkkyrka kommer till uttryck i Svenskakyrkan i utlandet (SKUT)

The following essay aims to determine what textbooks and teaching media educators in the county of Västerbotten use when teaching the relation between religion and science. Based on educational science theory and through analyzes of factual texts, the teaching materials was examined to determine how much focus they put on the thematic of religion and science. The result shows how the different teaching materials affect this thematic differently. The main conclusion is therefore that students in Sweden could, depending on the teaching materials used in their education, be taught by different standards to reach the same requirements..

Projektstyrningurettaffärsekosystemperspektiv En fallstudie om projektstyrning inom bankgemensamma projekt

Based on last years events that have taken place, events on the school Lundbergs and the police values of work, has the meaning of having a set of values been questioned. This study aimed to investigate and answer the fundamental values based on the common value basis for the government employees within an organization and how it perceived by employees. The new institutional theory was the framework for this qualitative study conducted with semi-structured interviews. Respondents were employees within the organization. Ethnographic qualitative methodology was the basis for our methodology and we used a thematic model of theme interpretation, communication and knowledge in our analysis.

Islam i det svenska samhället ur ett integrationsperspektiv

The role of Islam in integrative work in Swedish societyThe main purpose of this report was to describe the role of Islam in integrative work in Swedish society. Questions connected to the purpose were: Is Islam a possibility or an obstacle to integration? Which arguments are used to describe Islam as a possibility or an obstacle? How are the different views on Islam expressed in integrative work? Which are the consequenses of such views?A qualitative method with an empirical research and a thematic analysis has been applied to the material. The empirical research consists of interviews.The results of this report describe Islam neither as a possibility nor as an obstacle from a political view. By muslims and researchers Islam can be regarded both as a possibility and as an obstacle in integrative work.

Implementering av en va?rdegrund : - En kvalitativ studie om medarbetares uppfattning om en organisations va?rdegrundsarbete

Based on last years events that have taken place, events on the school Lundbergs and the police values of work, has the meaning of having a set of values been questioned. This study aimed to investigate and answer the fundamental values based on the common value basis for the government employees within an organization and how it perceived by employees. The new institutional theory was the framework for this qualitative study conducted with semi-structured interviews. Respondents were employees within the organization. Ethnographic qualitative methodology was the basis for our methodology and we used a thematic model of theme interpretation, communication and knowledge in our analysis.

Individen kommer inte långt själv för ensam är man ingenting : En studie om arbetsmiljöns påverkan på hälsan

The purpose of this thesis is to achieve a greater understanding of how the social workers at the family unit in one of Stockholm municipalities comprehend the work environment at the workplace. Our aim is also to find out how the work environment can affect the health of the social workers in the form of their wellbeing and comfort at the workplace. In order to answer our purpose we conducted interviews of all social workers at the family unit in one of Stockholm municipalities that describe how they experience the work-environment in the workplace and how it influences their health.  We have analyzed the interview material in a thematic analysis based on three theoretical perspectives; SOC, claim ? control - support and Human relations. We have also coupled the interview material to the background chapter in this thesis that describes how a good working environment should be structured.  The chosen method characterizes an abductive process.

Medarbetarupplevelse av psykosocial arbetsmiljö vid förändring på arbetsplatsen

Title: Employee experience of psychosocial working environment during change at the workplace.In times of change processes the working environment at the workplace may be affected. Lack of balance between demands and the ability to handle the workload can lead to reduced work satisfaction, which is an important component for an individual?s performance and commitment. The aim is to investigate experiences in the employee?s psychosocial working environment during change management.

Flyttprocessens påverkan på identiteten ? utveckling eller avveckling? : En fallstudie kring flytten av Hjalmar Lundbohmsgården i Kiruna

The purpose of the thesis is to investigate and analyze how three different actors linked to the urban transformation in the city of Kiruna, in this case LKAB, the Municipality of Kiruna and the County Administrative Board of Norrbotten, believe that the identity of a historical monument that is marked cultural heritage is affected by future relocation. The second part of the study is to investigate the impact the building might have on the city in the future. This study is based on the relocation of Hjalmar Lundbohmsgården.The study is based on a qualitative approach in which five informants from the three actors were interviewed. The interviews have been analyzed through thematic analysis, where a combination of theoretical thematic analysis and empirical thematic analysis was used. The result shows that the new location of Hjalmar Lundbohmsgården is preferred to be in a suitable context close to other cultural buildings. All informants agree that accessibility is a fundamental element in, which a synergistic effect is an increase in visitor numbers.

Att arbeta internt med Corporate Social Responsibility : Hur Corporate Social Responsibility påverkar hållbarhet och välmående bland socialarbetare

Corporate Social Responsiblity is today a well known concept in the business world. The concept contains responsibility and sustainability for those who chose to work with Corporate Social Responsibility and the three responsibility areas within the concept. Responsibility and sustainability is of importance, no matter what core business a corporation has. The responsibility goes both out from the corporation, to take care of the surrounding society and the environment. The responsibility also concerns the corporation interal, aiming for a sustainable work enivornment and good working conditions.

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